Repurpose Old Shoes & Replace Them with a Pair That Lasts

Maybe you have a pair of stylish high-tops or an old pair of dress shoes that have seen some better days. You can’t use them anymore, but you don’t want them to end up in a landfill.

What do you do with your worn out shoes? Should you donate shoes to someone who needs them? Is there a way to give your old sneakers a second life?

The good news is that you do not have to throw your old shoes away, there are solutions that can help you get more from an old pair of shoes. Here are a few ways to give old shoes new life!

Revive Old Kicks

Before you start thinking about how to repurpose old shoes, you should see if your chosen pair can be saved. Maybe they are just scuffed up, or a little dirty. Maybe you can get more use with some simple shoe repair secrets.

Reuse, Reuse, Reuse

It is always more sustainable to get as much use from consumer goods as possible, including shoes. Even if they can’t be restored for out-of-home wear, they could be good for doing yard work or fixing things around the house. That way you won’t have to soil your nice sneakers when you’re getting stuff done!

Donate Shoes

If you have old shoes that are still in good shape, you should consider donating them. There are different organizations and charities, like Soles4souls that will take gently used shoes and give them to people who need them.

Upcycle Shoes

Maybe your old shoes can’t be worn out and about, nor repurposed for other use cases. In that case, it might be time to think about ways to upcycle shoes. With a little bit of creativity, you can find new uses for old shoes, or you repurpose some of the materials for other uses. One example is to use a worn out pair of shoes as a planter!

Buy Sustainable Shoes

As a final tip, buy sustainable shoes going forward! Here at CARIUMA, we make shoes in a way that’s better for you and the planet. Using premium, natural materials and low-impact design & manufacturing methods, we significantly reduce the impact each pair has on the environment. Plus, for every pair we sell, a pair of trees is planted in the Brazilian rainforest, bringing the idea of extending your sneakers’ life to a whole new level.

Beyond these broader initiatives, we’ve introduced a Single Shoe Program that focuses on reducing skate-related waste. Most experienced skaters know that one shoe takes more wear-and-tear than the other, though which foot depends on your regular or goofy stance. If you skate the CATIBA Pro, this process will be delayed by our ultra-durable construction, but not inevitable! With the Single Shoe Program, you can shop a right or left shoe, versus replacing an entire, unevenly worn pair. This program is the first of its kind, and one we hope will inspire other industry players to adopt similar practices.

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